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Monday, March 5, 2012

Learn How to Speak Spanish Like a Child

Learning how to speak Spanish or any other language is child's play. Or is it? Make no mistake about it, learning how to speak a foreign language can be difficult. However, children do it everyday. We need to learn how to develop speech again like a child.

Children do not over analyze the learning experience they just learn. They listen and observe and try to mimic. They start out by making simple sounds that slowly develop into words. Those words get put together to form sentences and then before you know it they can carry on a whole conversation.

Children don't worry if they are saying things properly or what they are saying necessarily even makes sense. They just string words together and eventually everything clicks together. They have figured this speaking thing out.

Lets explore further how to speak Spanish like a child. Children without knowing it use what is called the linguistic approach to learning language. They take the building blocks of language and stack them one upon the other to form logical words, phrases, and sentences. It is this logical progression upon which all language is learned.


When we as adults learn a new language, Spanish for instance we need to start with the sounds that are not presently used in our common tongue. We need to build on these new sounds to form words, phrases, sentences and so on. If we learn to use the linguistic approach to language and learn how to speak Spanish like a child would we could shorten the learning curve to speak Spanish down considerably.

So you see, learning how to speak a new language, really is child's play.

If you are starting with Spanish and would like to learn how to speak Spanish for beginners I recommend you stopping by the following site, it talks more about using the linguistic approach to learning Spanish it is sure to shorten the learning curve:

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